2023 Study Day Feedback Form "*" indicates required fields Generating CPD CertificateYour CPD certificate will be generated from the data you enter in these fields. Please make correct use of upper and lowercase to ensure your name displays correctly. Your certificate will be available once you have completed your feedback.Name*As you wish it to be displayed on your certificate. First Last GDC Registration Number* EmailPlease enter your email here ONLY if you would like your CPD certificate emailed directly to you. I attended as a:* Main Delegate VDP Student CGDent Scotland Study Day FeedbackThe next sections of the feedback form will be collated anonymously.Your overall rating of the Study Day*Very GoodGoodSatisfactoryPoorVery PoorPlease give your feedback on these specific areas:*Very PoorPoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodSuitability of FacilitiesCateringEvent Organisation Prof. Shamir B. Mehta & Prof. Subir BanerjiPlease give your feedback on Prof. Shamir B. Mehta & Prof. Subir Banerji's presentations.“Wearabouts” The how, what, wear and why of managing tooth wear in general dental practice. Delegates will be able to apply the current evidence into their clinical practice for managing their patients who present to them with tooth wear. They will be able to critique the techniques and treatments available in the management of tooth wear and the application of these into day-to-day general dental practice. Aims To critically present the current evidence. To provide a guide to managing tooth wear in general dental practice. To illustrate the clinical techniques applied in the rehabilitation of the worn dentition. Learning Outcomes Have an overview of the current evidence. Learn how to recognise and document tooth wear. Manage tooth wear for their patients in general dental practice. Assessment of Prof. Shamir B. Mehta & Prof. Subir Banerji's presentation:*Very PoorPoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodSpeaker / TutorContentPresentationWere Prof. Shamir B. Mehta & Prof. Subir Banerji's presentations relevant to general practice?* Yes No Partially Were Prof. Shamir B. Mehta & Prof. Subir Banerji's aims and objectives met?* Yes No Partially Caldwell Memorial LecturePlease give your feedback on the Caldwell Memorial Lecture.To learn about where NHS Scotland did well and where it could have done better with public health communication during the COVID-19 pandemic. Understand how the urgency of the pandemic brought into sharp focus the importance of having direct and clear messages that are conveyed on relevant platforms to well-identified audiences.Assessment of the Caldwell Memorial Lecture*Very PoorPoorSatisfactoryGoodVery GoodSpeaker / TutorContentPresentationWas the Caldwell Memorial Lecture relevant to general practice?* Yes No Partially Were the Caldwell Memorial Lecture aims and objectives met?* Yes No Partially Overall Comments*Please tell us about your experience today of the Study Day. And give us any suggestions for future events.