Part 1 Mock Exam "*" indicates required fields 123456 Please fill in your answers and then press submit when you are ready. You can use the 'next' and 'previous' buttons after each five-question section to check or change answers and go over all of your answers before you press submit. Good luck!Name* First Last Results will be Emailed to:* Please enter your email address1. A worried mother telephones your practice, as her 3 year old son has eaten a half-full tube of toothpaste. What is the toxic level of fluoride ingestion?* 1 mg/kg 5 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 32 mg/kg 64 mg/kg 2. An adult patient has an anaphylactic reaction to chlorhexidine (being used to irrigate a dry socket). You are about to give adrenaline as treatment. Which of the following do you give?* 500 micrograms IM 500 micrograms IV 500 milligrams IM 500 milligrams IV 5000 micrograms IM 3. Which of the following is NOT associated with an increased risk of MRONJ?* Zolendronic acid Denosumab Diltiazem Bevacizumab Aflibercept 4. You saw an 8 year old child in 2003. When do you keep the records until?* 2008 2010 2014 2015 2020 5. What is the function of HEMA in a dentine bonding agent?* Wetting agent Coupling agent (between resin and ceramic) Initiator Filler Solvent 6. Your principal asks you to co-ordinate CPD for the practice. How many hours of enhanced CPD do your dental nurses have to complete per cycle?* 25 hours 50 hours 75 hours 100 hours 150 hours 7. What is the mode of action of dabigatran?* Inhibition of platelet aggregation Inhibition of Factor VIII Inhibition of ADP Inhibition of thrombin Inhibition of factor Xa 8. A patient presents with hypodontia and sparse hair. What is the most likely diagnosis?* Cleidocranial dysostosis Ectodermal Dysplasia Peutz-Jegher’s syndrome Gorlin-Goltz syndrome Gardner’s syndrome 9. How often should radiographic equipment be subjected to routine testing?* 6-monthly Yearly 2-Yearly 3-Yearly 5-Yearly 10. What is the appropriate splinting regime for a lateral luxaton injury?* 1 week, rigid splint 2 weeks, flexible splint 4 weeks, flexible splint 4 weeks, rigid splint 4 months, rigid splint 11. A patient with oral ulceration is found to be anaemic. Her MCV is 68 fl. Which deficiency is most likely?* Folic acid Thiamine Iron Vitamin B12 Intrinsic factor 12. A patient presents with a 7mm overjet, and an ectopic (unerupted) 23. What is the IOTN score?* 1 2 3 4 5 13. Which of the following carries the highest risk of malignant transformation?* Homogenous leukoplakia Nicotinic stomatitis Candidal leukoplakia Erosive lichen planus Erythroleukoplakia 14. An 8-year old has a high caries rate. Which of the following would be an appropriate fluoride regime?* Brush twice daily with a 1000 ppm toothpaste Brush twice daily with a 1350-1500 ppm toothpaste Brush twice daily with a 1350-1500 ppm toothpaste, plus a daily 0.05% NaF M/W Brush twice daily with a 1350-1500 ppm toothpaste, plus a daily 0.2% NaF M/W Brush twice daily with a 2800 ppm toothpaste 15. Your practice oxygen cylinder is CD size. How long will this last at 15l/min?* 15 minutes 22 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 1 hour 16. Which resin-bonded bridge design would give the best prognosis?* Abutments 21, 23, pontic 22 Abutments 11, 22, pontic 21 Abutments 22, 24, pontic 23 Abutment 26, pontic 25 Abutment 23, pontic 22 17. Gypsum products (incl. dental plaster casts) are prohibited at landfill sites. Which gas do they produce?* Methane Hydrogen sulphide Carbon monoxide Carbon dioxide Butane 18. What is the principal duty of an IR(ME)R practitioner?* Setting the exposure Image quality assurance Justification of the exposure Clinical evaluation of radiographs Designating the controlled area 19. A 14-year old girl attends your surgery accompanied by her teacher. She has suffered trauma in a hockey match and requires emergency dental treatment. Attempts to contact her parents are unsuccessful. What do you do?* Tell the patient to make an appointment later and to bring a parent Try to ascertain if the patient is able to give consent herself Get her teacher to give consent Apply the Mental Capacity Act 2005 Explain what you think needs to be done, and do it 20. Which of the following is the most appropriate depth of undercut for a CoCr clasp?* 0.1mm 0.25mm 0.5mm 0.75mm 1mm 21. A patient collapses in your practice. After checking for danger, and donning appropriate PPE, what is your initial response?* Open the airway "Shake and Shout" Call 999 Start CPR Send for an AED 22. A patient has suffered damage to the accessory nerve. Which of the following muscles would you use to assess this nerve?* Lateral pterygoid Buccinator Trapezius Masseter Medial pterygoid 23. A 25-year old male presents with blood-crusted lips, fever, lymphadenopathy, oral ulceration & skin lesions. Which of the following is NOT a recognised cause?* Amoxicillin HSV NSAIDS Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Nicorandil 24. From what age does the Mental Capacity Act 2005 apply?* Birth 4 years 16 years 18 years 21 years 25. Which of the following p-values is considered to indicate that a result is “statistically significant”?* p < 0.5 p < 0.05 p < 0.01 p < 0.005 p < 0.001 26. A new patient’s BPE score is: 3 1 3, 3 4 2 There is no significant recession or mobility. Which of the following would be an appropriate radiographic examination?* Full-mouth periapicals OPG Horizontal bitewings, plus supplemental periapicals of selected teeth Vertical bitewings, plus supplemental periapicals of selected teeth Horizontal bitewings 27. When carrying out inhalational sedation, the oxygen stops working. Who do you report this to?* CQC HSE MHRA The manufacturer of the device Your health board 28. Which of the following is an example of a developmental odontogenic cyst?* Nasopalatine cyst Dentigerous cyst Radicular cyst Aneurysmal bone cyst Residual cyst 29. A pyrexial patient attends with pain from tooth 46 and a spreading infection causing difficulty in swallowing. What do you do?* Obtain drainage and refer immediately to your local maxillofacial unit Obtain drainage, prescribe amoxicillin 500mg TDS for 5 days & review in 2-3 days Obtain drainage & review in 2-3 days Prescribe amoxicillin 500mg TDS for 5 days & review in 2-3 days Prescribe amoxicillin 500mg TDS plus metronidazole 400mg TDS (both for 5 days) & review in 2-3 days 30. Which of the following materials has the best 5-year survival in class V cavities?* Amalgam Composites Glass ionomer Compomer Resin-modified glass ionomer