The 2023 CGDent Scotland Study Day

Friday 1 December 2023


The how, what, wear and why of managing tooth wear in general dental practice.

We are delighted to welcome delegates to the Study Day in 2023. This year's Study Day will combine all of our customary quality educational content with an opportunity to meet with colleagues while our virtual attendees can gain valuable information from the comfort of home or the practice.

Main programme: Prof. Shamir B. Mehta and Prof. Subir Banerji.

Caldwell Lecture: Jason Leitch

Study Day 2023 on Friday 1 December will feature Directors of the MSc in Aesthetic Dentistry at Kings College London: Prof. Shamir B. Mehta and Prof. Subir Banerji. The event concludes with Jason Leitch's Caldwell Lecture presentation on "Recovering from a Pandemic"- NHS Scotland's legacy post Covid. Delegates will benefit from six hours of CPDA approved lectures, a three-course lunch an extensive tradeshow and the drinks reception.

Main Programme

Shamir B Mehta

Prof. Shamir B. Mehta

BDS BSc MClin Dent (Prosth) (Lond) Dip. FFGDP (UK) PhD FICD FCGDent FDSRCPS (Glas) FDSRCS (Eng) FDTFEd

Shamir Mehta is a Professor at the College of Medicine and Dentistry (CoMD)/ Ulster University and Course Lead for the MSc in Restorative Dentistry at CoMD, the Senior Clinical Dental Advisor to the General Dental Council (Fitness to Practise), a Visiting Professor (PhD supervisor) at the Dept. of Dentistry, Radboudumc, a Senior Clinical Teacher at King’s College London and a dental practice owner.

He has published numerous peer reviewed publications, including research on Tooth Wear in the Journal of Dentistry and the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation. He has also co-authored/ co-edited two textbooks on Tooth Wear and Aesthetic Dentistry, written several book chapters, is a panel member for the European Expert Consensus Panel on Severe Tooth Wear and Chair of the Careers Pathways Reference Group – CGDent. Shamir is also a researcher and part of the renowned Radboud Tooth Wear Project, The Netherlands.

Subir Banerji

Prof. Subir Banerji


Subir Banerji is in private general dental practice in London. He is the Programme Director for the MSc in Aesthetic Dentistry at King’s College London, Associate Professor Department of Prosthodontics University of Melbourne Australia, and the founder of the Academy of Dental Excellence. Subir has researched and published extensively in international peer review journals on the subject of tooth wear and is the co-author of the book “Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear”.


The how, what, wear and why of managing tooth wear in general dental practice.

Learning objectives

Delegates will be able to apply the current evidence into their clinical practice for managing their patients who present to them with tooth wear. They will be able to critique the techniques and treatments available in the management of tooth wear and the application of these into day-to-day general dental practice.


  • To critically present the current evidence.
  • To provide a guide to managing tooth wear in general dental practice.
  • To illustrate the clinical techniques applied in the rehabilitation of the worn dentition.

By the end of the presentation delegates will be able to

  • Have an overview of the current evidence.
  • Learn how to recognise and document tooth wear.
  • Manage tooth wear for their patients in general dental practice.

The Caldwell Memorial Lecture

The event will close with the Caldwell Memorial Lecture, given this year by Jason Leitch on "Recovering from a Pandemic"- NHS Scotland's legacy post Covid.


Time Speaker Course Title
8.00-9.00 REGISTRATION with breakfast rolls
9.00-10.40 Prof. Shamir B. Mehta &
Prof. Subir Banerji
Part 1: The how & what
10.40-11.10 COFFEE BREAK
11.10-12.50 Prof. Shamir B. Mehta &
Prof. Subir Banerji
Part 2: The wear
12.50-14.10 LUNCH
14.10-15.40 Prof. Shamir B. Mehta &
Prof. Subir Banerji
Part 3: The why
15.40-16.10 COFFEE BREAK
16.10-17.30 Jason Leitch The Caldwell Memorial Lecture: "Recovering from a Pandemic"- NHS Scotland's legacy post Covid
17.30-19.00 Drinks reception!

Information for In-Person Delegates

Venue and Catering Information

The event takes place at Glasgow Science Centre and during the day delegates will benefit from superb catering including a three-course lunch and post-event drinks, six hours of lectures and a 30-stand trade exhibition. There is free parking for delegates during the event.

In-person attendees will receive any relevant Covid-related attendance information a few weeks before the event.

Registration is from 8am with tea, coffee and breakfast rolls. Presentations run from 9am until 5:30pm with two coffee breaks and a three-course lunch. Following the event there will be a relaxed drinks reception until 7:00pm.